
Thousands of decorative Total has terminal

Related articles: as the leading jewelry chain, Lucky Strike Thousands of decorative the earliest enterprises stand out by brand operators and reseller channel. Starting in 2008, with luck one thousand ornaments start fast turnaround cycle circulation, to join the channel business transformation, sinking to a four-tier cities. and other similar jewelry enterprises, good luck Thousands of decorative initially through the development of regional distributors, with its understanding of the local market and brand influence, together bigger market, from the gradual development of the Direct channel franchising mainly public, according to the company's 2006 earnings report, as of the end of that year, good luck Thousands of decorative Total has terminal more than 100 retail outlets.

Now, good luck Thousands of decorative stores (counters) has exceeded more than 500. benefited from strong channel expansion and marketing, good luck Thousands of decorative ten consecutive years, have achieved high growth in 2000 to open 12 stores in Guizhou Branch. 2001, to become the leading brand in the jewelry industry. 2002 began to spread nationwide. Focus on co-ordination of national strategic layout in 2003. The 2004-2005 exceeded more than 100. In 2006, the company gradually moving towards a 2007, to become the most development potential in China 100 franchise brands. The economic downturn in 2008, good luck thousand ornaments also achieve growth, invested nearly 10 million in 2008 to establish the ERP chain management system.

