
Diamond constantly civilian population trends have prompted the expansion of the Chinese market , C

Related articles: I do not know since when , in the country has become a rigid demand , married to buy a diamond ring almost a convention rules . According to a site survey data show that approximately 70 % of the purchase for marriage, wedding consumer is still an important consumer of the moment the diamond market factors . recently from Yantai Foley jindian data , with the peak of the gold nine silver ten wedding approaching , Diamond class consumer demand is steadily recovering . It is understood that the support of strong growth in diamond sales , diamond consumption in China is gradually transition to diversify , especially the needs of the civilian population , and more consumers want to express more emotional appeal .

Diamond jewelry sales cyclical Obviously , every year around 51 , and eleven before and after showed upward trend of the stock market this year, look also in the formation of a small sales peak around October . Diamond consumption, is playing Following gold after wedding important economic role , pulling in over a period of time . the consumer purchase diamond ring groups are primarily white-collar workers, especially foreign and joint venture paid staff , to improve the quality of life , can buy a diamond ring from the white-collar workers to workers , consumer groups become increasingly large.

The Foley jindian analyze data display in the consumer market , the number of consumers in the 10-15 diamond ring to buy diamond weight in dramatic growth . consumption . Due to the contradiction between supply and demand greatly increased dramatically ,10- 15 diamond ring once is out of stock of the situation . Trends in the diamond this constantly civilians prompted it continues to expand its market in China . in an interview that At the current , Foley jindian the diamond sales not just limited to the traditional sales of finished diamond , loose diamonds custom stone mosaic Features personalized ornaments solutions will meet the diversity of needs of different types of customers .

